





Discover the Ancient Wisdom and Healing Power of the Munay-Ki Rites.

  • Powerful Healing: Heal past traumas, inherited genetic patterns, and elevate your DNA to improve overall health and well-being.
  • Higher Consciousness: Step into a new frequency of existence, becoming Homo Luminous and experiencing profound spiritual growth
  • Protection and Strength: Recieve powerful rites that protect against negative energies and enhance your inner strength to overcome adversity.
  • Shape Your Destiny: Break free from limiting thoughts and patterns, and gain the ability to direct your own destiny, creating a life of joy, prosperity, and harmony.
  • Spiritual Connection: Connect with ancient wisdom, the lineage of paqos, and Pachamama, fostering a deeper spiritual connection and understanding.


Unlock the ancient wisdom and healing power of the Munay-Ki Rites, a series of nine sacred initiations passed down from the shamans of the holy mountains in the Andes, Peru. These rites are profound steps to heal the wounds from your past, transform your genetic heritage, and elevate your consciousness to new heights.


What Are the Munay-Ki Rites?

The Munay-Ki are nine sacred initiations that have been passed down through generations of shamans in Peru. These rites are designed to heal the wounds of the past, including childhood traumas and inherited genetic patterns, and to help you step into a higher frequency of existence. When you receive these rites, you 'download' new energy and information that can transform your body, mind, and spirit, enabling you to live a life of higher consciousness and spiritual awakening.

Why the Munay-Ki Rites?

The Inca shamans speak of prophecies about the revolutionary times we live in, marked by great changes on earth, in the universe, and within ourselves. They envision a new step in human evolution, where we leave behind Homo Sapiens Sapiens and become Homo Luminous, the enlightened beings. The Munay-Ki Rites help you open your essence and download new energy, allowing you to shape your own destiny and step into a new era of spiritual growth, prosperity, and peace.

Join Us!

Starting on September 24, 2024, join us for a remarkable journey as we offer the Munay-Ki Rites through our online platform. Each month, you will participate in two classes: one focused on the educational component of the rite and the other on the actual passing of the rite. All classes will be held on Tuesday nights at 7 PM via Zoom. It is essential to be present to receive the rites.


By participating in the Munay-Ki Rites, you also gain membership to our site, "All Things Frequency." As a member, you will have access to additional resources, support, and a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to spiritual growth and transformation.

  • Healers Rite: Awaken your healing abilities and begin your personal healing journey with immense spiritual support.
  • Bands of Power: Weave five energy bands for protection against negative energies, transforming them into nutrients.
  • Harmony Rites: Install seven archetypal energies in your chakras, healing and illuminating them to develop your rainbow body.
  • Seers Rite: Enhance your ability to perceive the invisible world through light threads connecting your visual cortex, third eye, and heart chakra.
  • Daykeepers Rite: Connect with ancient stone altars and medicine men and women, healing the feminine within and promoting peace.
  • Wisdom Keeper: Heal your inner masculine, step outside of time, and experience infinity.
  • Earth Keeper: Serve as a guardian for all living things, bringing healing and balance as a steward of the Earth.
  • Star Keeper: Anchor in a new time of higher consciousness, transforming your DNA and slowing the aging process.
  • Creator Rite: Awaken the energy of creation within you, becoming a steward of all creation..

Say yes to an incredible journey with All Things Frequency. See the world through new eyes, gain a deeper strength to overcome adversity, and walk the path of a new human being. Break free from limiting thoughts and patterns, direct your destiny, and create a life of joy, friendship, and harmony.